Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Trauma of Submission . . . Or, Submitting a Short Story

So I just finished submitting my latest sci-fi short "A Deeper Darkness Than Night" to Analog Science Fiction and Fact.  The submission process is surprisingly easy.  It's an online system; plug in your cover letter and attach the story and you're set.

I was really worried about the cover letter -- I'm not sure why but it seemed like the hurdle that I just had to get over.  But the story should stand on its own, the cover letter doesn't have to sell it.  So I'm not entirely sure why the cover letter should have been such a big deal in my mind.

The worst they can do is reject my story (which I have to remind myself, is not a rejection of me), and I suppose the letter was just the final block in my mind.

I got an automated email back pretty quick (like thirty seconds quick) telling me that they received my submission and the average response time is between 2 and 6 weeks.  I guess I'll let you know what I hear in 2-6 weeks.

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