Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Winter Is Coming . . . Or, Game of Thrones Read-Through

It's been a while since my last Game of Thrones update.  I took a break from the book right around the time that it started getting interesting.  Or at least, around the point that it seemed like something was finally happening.  People were dying, coups were being initiated, betrayal was in the air.  But I also had schoolwork with which to contend, and those papers aren't going to write themselves, and jobs won't work themselves.  So I put the book down.

But I picked it up again! 

The first hint that interesting things are afoot came in the very last chapters, as the events in the prologue finally came to have some meaning.  As far as the narrative is concerned, the prologue was unnecessary; events later on didn't require they be foreshadowed in the opening sequence, and I have the sense that the prologue was added for dramatic benefit.  That is, to hook readers for the intensely slow five hundred pages to follow. 

Now everything is coming to a head.  The dead are rising, a king's been killed, Westeros is in open revolt and the Dothraki are on the march.  So maybe the first five hundred pages were worth it to set the pieces on the board.  It's possible, but I have the sense it could have been done otherwise to greater effect.  Such is what it is, however and I'm drawing pretty close to the conclusion.

Which means I can start watching the show pretty soon.  I'm excited for that.  I received the Blu-ray boxed set of season one for Christmas, and I haven't been able to even open it yet.  But with the book finally out of the way I can tear off the plastic wrap and get to watching what seems like a pretty engaging television show.  Perhaps more engaging than the book.

Ultimately, that's what these updates have been about; getting an idea of the book before I watch the show so I can compare the two.  I'll let you know my thoughts as I have them.

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