Monday, February 18, 2013

Cup In Hand

I've spent the last three years or so raising money for a yearly commemorative event hosted by the History department of Oregon State University called the Holocaust Memorial Week.  Most of the money comes from charitable donations and is administered by the Oregon State University Foundation, through the Holocaust Memorial Fund.  It's a worthy endeavor, and deserves to be supported.  But the times have been changing, and the dollar doesn't quite stretch as far as it used to.  To help offset costs, as part of the Memorial committee, I've been working with student organizations, especially the residents halls and the Residents Hall Association, to raise funds to offset travel expenses for speakers, advertising, and per diem costs.  I think I've done a pretty good job, and along the way I've gathered a little experience asking for money on behalf of others.

But now I need to ask for financial help on behalf of myself.  This is my final year in University.  I have one more term until I graduate; the finish line is literally within sight.  But I owe the University some money, and until I've paid a little over $1200, they're going to put a hold on my account which prevents me from registering for classes next term.  I have every confidence in paying off the amount over the next few months--I'm working two jobs now, and am interviewing this afternoon for a third.  But you know how it is; bureaucracies want their money now, and though I've asked for paying in installments, the University has flatly denied they offer payment plans: According to the unpleasant woman behind the counter, "We don't do that here."

So I need some help.  If you'd like to make a donation, know someone who might like to help a not-quite-starving but certainly very harried college student out, or simply want to post something encouraging, head over to my fundraiser.  It's secure, free, and all of the proceeds go to the beneficiary, not toward supporting the website.  You have my never ending thanks.

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