Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Doctor's Got a New Lady


Doctor Who's Got a New Lady

If she looks familiar to you, that's because she was also in Captain America: The First Avenger.  Announced today, twenty-five year old Jenna-Louise Coleman will star beside Matt Smith as the Doctor's new companion.  You can read all the juicy details here, but suffice to say she's got to be amazing to replace Karen Gillan.  Great companions come around rarely, and David Tennant had his fair share of really abominable companions.  So hopefully the writers and producers will be able to craft a really stunning character for her.


  1. I'm not even sure why they are replacing Amy Pond. Maybe Karen wants out, if so that is unfortunate. I felt that Amy Pond was the reason why the Matt Smith episodes worked so well. Matt Smith is a mediocre Doctor, in my opinion, but Karen Gillan is and always will be an awesome companion.

  2. Personally, I liked Rory best. His was the best character arc. By the end I totally bought that he was a normal, seemingly average individual who could rise to the occasion and get shit done. Amy is Frodo and had a great call to the fantastical leading her on a wonderful adventure, while Rory was her Samwise Gamgee and held the purpose of helping, anchoring, and protecting her on her quest. For 2,000 years! It is also apparent that while they traipse around time and space, the real adventure for him is simply being with Amy and several times in the course of events he has to make a choice that affects that life he has with her, being more meaningul and impactful to the audience than anything any other companions had on their plates.

    Also, from now on, I'm going to call "companions" "TARDIgrades."
